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1:00 pm 6:00 pm

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1:00 pm 6:00 pm


Marko Geber/Getty Images (NEW YORK) — Do fewer working hours boost a company’s overall productivity? A recent study out of the United Kingdom suggests the four-day workweek model benefits businesses and employees alike. One year after 61 U.K. companies opted to participate in a four-day week pilot study, 89% of the companies continued to keep […]

Bill Pugliano/Getty Images (DETROIT) — A four-day workweek at full-time pay, a 46% wage increase and a share of company profits are among the demands of the union representing approximately 150,000 workers at the Big 3 U.S. automakers — General Motors, Ford and Stellantis. The United Auto Workers, or UAW, has vowed to launch a strike […]

Marko Geber/Getty Images (NEW YORK) — When Michael Arney, the founder of an eight-person marketing design agency in Minneapolis, Minnesota, learned an employee was leaving for a 50% raise at a larger company, he knew he had to make a change or it would happen again. “I just couldn’t compete with the monetary offer,” said […]