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Smart Ways to Build Wealth for Young Investors

Written by on January 17, 2022

While it is important to earn a living, it is equally important to direct a portion of your earnings towards a corpus or fund that you can rely upon during emergencies as well as when you retire. Building your wealth with such a fund requires ample research along with clear expectations for how you envision your future to be. In this regard, investing your money in certain financial assets keeping in mind your threshold for risk can help you potentially accrue returns over the long run.

Consider the suggestions provided below in order to build your wealth in a smart manner. 

Smart Ways to Build Wealth for Young Investors

Take Advantage of Stock Recommendations from ARQ Prime 

Investing in viable stocks available on the stock market can potentially bring in strong returns over time and can go a long way in helping you build your wealth. That being said, selecting appropriate stock can be difficult. 

ARQ Prime1 by Angel One, however, resolves this roadblock as its rule-based investment engine helps recommend stocks without any human intervention skewering results. This smart beta technology is solely reliant on time-test rules that have proven themselves in the past. This offering makes use of a sturdy risk management system that is designed to cut losses early on and instead focuses on identifying promising stocks. 

Users can invest in this offering with ease and may do so via the Angel One smartphone application or the online website. Real-time notifications are provided as well, and subscribers are assured of transparency each step of the way. The returns generated via ARQ recommendations that subscribers enrol in are also visible such that users can keep a tally of the wealth they build over time. 

Investing in Mutual Funds

A smart method by which you can build your wealth is by investing in mutual funds. Mutual funds are safer investments that allow investors to grow their wealth over time. With mutual funds, you as an investor do not need to worry about focusing on selecting appropriate stocks as the fund manager is responsible for doing the same. These managers have tons of experience and ensure the right amount of diversification. To add to their appeal, mutual funds are cost-efficient and also happen to be highly liquid.. Investors that are just starting out also have the option to invest in smaller denominations should they so desire. 

Diversifying portfolio by investing in global markets

While Indian financial markets are capable of providing investors and traders with several opportunities, investors can choose to diversify their holdings by investing in companies that operate on a global level and aren’t restricted to India alone. Angel One’s tie-up with Vested2comes in handy here as it allows Indian investors to make investments in foreign markets with ease.

Wrapping Up

Amassing wealth is a long-term process and does not happen overnight. Investments made with due research can potentially bring in fruitful returns. However, investors need to keep constant tabs on their holdings and pay attention to any triggers that might adversely affect them. Diversifying portfolio holdings is key here. In order to learn how best to navigate the financial markets, visit Angel One and consider utilising its smart offerings including but not limited to Smart Money and Knowledge Centre that provide educational material catered towards enhancing financial literacy.


  1. ARQ is not an exchange approved product and any dispute related to this will not be dealt on exchange platform
  2. Vested is not exchange traded products and Angel One Ltd. is just acting as referrer all dispute with respect to the distribution activity would not have access to exchange investor Redressal Forum or Arbitration mechanism
  3. This blog is exclusively for educational purposes and does not provide any advice/tips on Investment or recommend buying and selling any stock

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