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House speaker vote live updates: GOP’s Jim Jordan loses 1st round of voting

Written by on October 17, 2023

House speaker vote live updates: GOP’s Jim Jordan loses 1st round of voting
Kent Nishimura/Bloomberg via Getty Images

(WASHINGTON) — Rep. Jim Jordan lost his first bid for the speakership — the latest in a chaotic battle for the gavel after the historic ouster of Kevin McCarthy earlier this month.

After two weeks of legislative paralysis, the House began voting Tuesday on the nomination of Jordan, a conservative firebrand, staunch Donald Trump loyalist and founding member of the House Freedom Caucus.

Jordan won an internal GOP contest for the nomination after House Majority Leader Steve Scalise bowed out of the race, but he faces an uphill battle in securing the 217 votes needed to win the gavel.

Here’s how the news is developing. All times Eastern.

Oct 17, 2:49 PM EDT
Jordan’s team says expect another round of votes today

“The House needs a speaker as soon as possible,” Russell Dye, a spokesperson for Jordan, said in a statement. “Expect another round of votes today. It’s time for Republicans to come together.”

The timing of a second vote, however, remains unclear.

-ABC’s Katherine Faulders

Oct 17, 2:26 PM EDT
McCarthy says Jordan shouldn’t drop out, confident he’ll get the votes

McCarthy, the former speaker, attempted to equate Jordan’s loss to exactly what happened to him.

“Jordan had just as many votes as I had on the first one. I think the difference here is we have rules so we can sit down, talk to the other members and be able to move forward,” McCarthy said.

McCarthy lost 19 Republicans on the first ballot, while Jordan lost 20.

When asked if Jordan should drop out, McCarthy exclaimed: “No! No!”

“I saw the exact same vote that I got when I ran and I became speaker,” McCarthy said.

McCarthy said he’ll talk to Jordan and help in any way he can. When asked if he thinks Jordan will ultimately get the votes, McCarthy said “yes.”

-ABC’s Katherine Faulders

Oct 17, 2:02 PM EDT
House goes into recess

Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry, after reading aloud the results of the first ballot, gaveled the chamber into recess.

“A speaker has not been elected,” McHenry said.

There will not be an immediate second vote. Lawmakers are now expected to huddle behind closed doors in conference.

Oct 17, 2:10 PM EDT
The 20 Republicans who voted against Jordan

Twenty House Republicans cast their ballot for someone other than Jordan.

Seven voted for Scalise: Reps. Tony Gonzales of Texas, Kay Granger of Texas, Mario Diaz Balart of Florida, Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania, John Rutherford of Florida, Reps. Mike Simpson of Idaho and Steve Womack of Arkansas.

Six voted McCarthy: Reps. Lori Chavez DeRemer of Oregon, Don Bacon of Nebraska, Carlos Gimenez of Florida, Jennifer Kiggans of Virginia, Mike Lawler of New York and Doug LaMalfa of California.

Three voted for former New York congressman Lee Zeldin: Reps. Anthony D’Espositio, Andrew Garbarino and Nick LaLota — all members of the New York delegation.

Kansas Rep. Jake Ellzey voted for Mike Garcia of California; Colorado’s Ken Buck voted for House Majority Whip Tom Emmer; Michigan Rep. John James voted for Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole; and Indiana Rep. Victoria Spartz voted for Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky.

Oct 17, 1:56 PM EDT
Jordan loses first round of voting

Jordan lost his first bid for the speakership. He received 200 votes, but needed at least 217 to clinch the gavel.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, nominated by Democrats, received 212 votes. Twenty lawmakers voted for someone else.

Oct 17, 1:33 PM EDT
McCarthy, ousted exactly 2 weeks ago, votes for Jordan

McCarthy, toppled by a small group of GOP hard-liners on Oct. 3, voted for Jordan to be his successor.

The moment was met with applause from the Republican side of the chamber.

But Jordan is still on track to lose on the first ballot, with 15 Republicans casting a vote for someone else.

Oct 17, 1:14 PM EDT
Jordan already falls short of vote needed

The vote is ongoing, but Jordan does not appear to have the support needed to win on the first ballot.

At least five Republicans have voted for someone else.

Two lawmakers, Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska and Rep. Lori Chavez-Deremer of Oregon voted for McCarthy. Anthony D’Esposito voted for former Rep. Lee Zeldin., Rep. Mario Diaz Balart of Florida voted for Steve Scalise. Rep. Jake Ellzey voted for fellow Republican Rep. Mike Garcia.

Oct 17, 1:02 PM EDT
The math behind the speaker vote

There are 432 members in attendance for the upcoming vote to elect a speaker, according to the quorum call.

That means that 217 is the majority threshold needed to win the gavel, presuming every member in attendance votes for someone by name.

Jordan can only afford to lose three votes.

The speaker vote began shortly before 1 p.m.

Oct 17, 1:00 PM EDT
Democrats nominate Hakeem Jeffries, slam Jordan’s record

Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-Calif., nominated House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries for speaker.

Aguilar focused much of his remarks on Jordan’s record, noting that one of Jordan’s own colleagues once described him as a “legislative terrorist.”

“When New Yorkers were recovering from Hurricane Sandy and needed Congress to act, he said ‘no,'” Aguilar said. “When wildfires ravaged the west, destroying homes and businesses and those residents needed disaster assistance, he said ‘no.’ When the Mississippi river floods devastated the south in communities across state lines and needed Congress to act, he said ‘no.’ When our veterans were suffering from disease and dying as a result of their service to our country and Congress passed a bipartisan solution, he said ‘no.'”

Democrats seated behind Aguilar responded to each example with the chant, “He said no.”

“This body is talking about elevating a speaker nominee who has not passed a single bill in 16 years,” Aguilar said. “These are not the actions of someone interested in governing or bettering the lives of everyday Americans.”

Oct 17, 12:49 PM EDT
Stefanik nominates Jordan for speaker

Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., rose to nominate Jordan for speaker. She received rounding applause from Republicans in the chamber.

“We are at a time of great crisis across America,” Stefanik said. “A time of historic challenges in this very chamber. And a time when heinous acts of terror and evil have been committed against our great ally, Israel.”

Stefanik went on to praise Jordan as a “patriot” and a “winner.”

“He’s an America-first warrior who wins the toughest of fights,” she said. “Going after corruption and delivering accountability at the highest levels of government, on behalf of we the people. Jim is the voice of the American people who have felt voiceless for far too long.”

Oct 17, 12:22 PM EDT
Quorum call is underway

Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry opened the chamber at 12:03 p.m., quickly moving the lower chamber into a prayer led by Margaret Grun Kibben.

Following the opening prayer and the pledge of allegiance, the House began a quorum call to establish the members who are present and voting.

Oct 17, 12:14 PM EDT
Jordan ignores questions on 2020 election

Jordan’s actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack have been under scrutiny in his run for speaker.

Colorado Rep. Ken Buck, one Republican holdout, has pointed to Jordan’s past comments about the 2020 election and Jan. 6.

Buck told ABC News on Monday, “I think Jim at some point If he is going to lead this conference … is going to have to be strong and say Donald Trump didn’t win the election, and we need to move forward. Hopefully, you know, for Republicans, we get a Republican candidate in the White House.”

ABC News pushed Jordan on that point ahead of the vote.

“I have been very clear about that,” he responded. “There were states that unconstitutionally changed our election law and that’s what I objected to, as did the vast, vast majority of Republican members of Congress.”

Asked if he would acknowledge that Trump lost the 2020 election, Jordan appeared to hear the question but did not respond and got onto the elevator. Two hours later, another reporter asked the same question and Jordan ignored it.

Oct 17, 12:04 PM EDT
Jordan projects confidence

Jordan spent the final hours meeting with GOP holdouts and working the phones ahead of the noon vote. There are still at least 10 holdouts and several members who have not said publicly how they will vote.

“We are going to find out here pretty soon,” Jordan told ABC News Senior Congressional Correspondent Rachel Scott when asked if he has enough support to get elected.

Oct 17, 12:01 PM EDT
House chamber filling up ahead of vote

Minutes before the House opens for business, the gallery of the House chamber is filling up with more than 200 tourists and other visitors to the Capitol as journalists begin to settle into the press galleries and lawmakers arrive on the floor.

Among the first members on the floor is Republican Rep. Frank Lucas of Oklahoma, who is using a walker as he recovers from a major operation after sustaining a hip injury farming. Lucas took a seat in the back near the aisle, chatting briefly with Republican Rep. Randy Weber of Texas.

Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson, who is rumored to be mulling his own bid for speaker if Jordan fails, is seated at the GOP leadership table. He walked over to the center aisle to talk with Colorado Democrat Joe Neguse.

Michigan Democrat Dan Kildee is seated behind the Democrat leadership table. Neguse is now seated there, chatting with his colleague. Rep. Debbie Dingel of Michigan is also seated on the Democratic side, scrolling through her phone.

Tennessee Republican Andy Ogles is the first of the Freedom Caucus members to stake their usual spot along the center aisle.

Oct 17, 11:55 AM EDT
Timing of the first-round speaker vote

Here’s the timing for what we expect for the first round of speaker votes this afternoon:

The clerk (Kevin McCumber, acting clerk) calls the House of Representatives to order at noon EST.
Prayer led by Margaret Grun Kibben — the first female chaplain of the House.
Pledge of Allegiance led by the House clerk.
Quorum call is ordered by the clerk. Members are called to vote electronically by state. At this point, we will hear the official number of lawmakers present and voting.
Election for speaker with nominations made by selected lawmakers. Typically, one lawmaker from each party is nominated — in this case, Jordan is the Republican nominee and Jeffries is the Democratic nominee. House Republican Conference chairwoman Elise Stefanik will nominate Jordan; House Democratic Caucus chairman Pete Aguilar will nominate Jeffries.
Debate on the nomination of candidates for speaker is allowed but not customary.
“Tellers” are appointed to count “viva voce” voice votes, usually two members from each side of the aisle. A “viva voce” vote is one spoken aloud. The (usually) four tellers take a seat at the dais and tally votes on paper.
Roll is then called by the House reading clerk with members calling out the last name of their chosen speaker; the clerk repeats the choice so everyone hears it. This could take up to one hour.
The House clerk announces the results; appoints an escort committee to formally escort the new Speaker-elect into the chamber.

Oct 17, 10:57 AM EDT
Does Jordan have the votes?

Currently the whole number of the House is 433, with two vacancies that won’t be filled until later this year. Presuming all 433 members vote, Jordan would need 217 votes to be named speaker.

But a whip count from ABC News shows it’s unlikely Jordan, who won the GOP nomination on Friday, has locked down the votes. He can only afford to lose four votes. As of right now, up to 10 Republicans have signaled that they plan to vote for someone other than Jordan on the first ballot. No Democrats are expected to support Jordan’s nomination.

A top aide to Jordan told ABC News that the congressman has “been meeting with members and making calls” this morning ahead of the vote.

Oct 17, 10:54 AM EDT
What to expect

The House will convene at noon today to consider the nomination of Jordan for speaker.

First, a quorum call will be ordered by the clerk for members to establish the official number of lawmakers present and voting.

Then, the election for speaker will take place. Typically, one lawmaker from each party is nominated: Jordan for Republicans and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries for Democrats. Lawmakers will then have a period of debate before a roll call vote in which each member will be called upon to state who they support for speaker.

If the first round fails, they have to restart this process or the House might recess so members could meet behind closed doors in conference.

Oct 17, 10:55 AM EDT
Who is Jim Jordan?

The Ohio Republican won the GOP nomination for speaker last week.

A conservative firebrand and favorite of former President Donald Trump, Jordan was first elected to Congress in 2006 and in 2015, founded the House Freedom Caucus — a conservative group that supports hard-line stances on government spending, health care, immigration and other issues.

Now, as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jordan is one of the Republicans leading the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden and investigations into his son, Hunter.

-ABC’s Sarah Beth Hensley

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