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The Morning Hustle

5:00 am 9:00 am


Written by on January 27, 2022

Here’s some things to consider before you invest in the upcoming Merry Mart IPO.

Here’s some excerpts straight from its website:

“MERRYMART has set its 12-12-12 Vision 2030 with the goal of rolling out a total of 1,200 MERRYMART branches nationwide. It aims to reach Php 120 Billion in systemwide sales revenue. The MERRYMART Group now operates 4 fullsize supermarkets. A total of 27 operating branches are expected by the second quarter this year, and the 100th branch of

MERRYMART is expected to open by the fourth quarter of 2021 next year. MERRYMART aims to maintain its growth momentum to reach 600 branches by 2025 and 1,200 branches by 2030.

MERRYMART aims to cover all the grocery retail categories from small, medium and large retail formats namely; MERRYMART Store, MERRYMART Market and MERRYMART Grocery. The smallest format MERRYMART Store is a household essential store concept that combines Grocery + Personal Care + Pharmacy. The 3-in-1 innovation and expansion through franchising is expected to bring in operational efficiencies and enable MERRYMART to rapidly scale up and build up durable competitive advantage. Franchising also creates business opportunities for many budding entrepreneurs.

The MERRYMART expansion is seen to create over 15,000 new jobs for the Filipino workforce in the near term, and expected to exceed 50,000 systemwide workforce by 2030. The Philippine economy is expected to fully benefit from MERRYMART being a local Filipino homegrown brand. In preparation for its rapid growth, MERRYMART has recently gone live on its SAP ERP system. MERRYMART will also soon be available in both online and offline channels. MERRYMART also expects to set up several MERRYMART warehouses and distribution centers to support the MERRYMART branches around the country and intends to locate these in DoubleDragon’s CentralHub warehouse complexes.

“We would like to take advantage of our group’s knowhow in franchising, and our familiarity of the Philippine market terrain, just like in the rollout of Mang Inasal, CityMall, Hotel 101 and CentralHub network. We believe this step will further strengthen the market grip of all the industries that our group is involved in,” added Edgar Injap Sia II.”


Final notes: They are aiming to grow Merry Mart on both offline and online Channels. Plus they want to synergize this with their current real-estate presence. As of the moment they have 4 branches (correction on the video) They are aiming for 1,200 branches by 2030, whether through company owned or franchised locations. Valuation is quite expensive, but again it is the founder’s vision that you are buying here if ever you will invest in $MM.


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