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Jose Antonio Penas Artero (NEW YORK) — A new species of dinosaur has been identified more than a decade after a large number of ancient skeletons were found in Spain — and researchers expect more species to be discovered. The discovery was made at the Lo Hueco fossil site near Cuenca, a mountainous town in […]

Scientists captured a rare image of a Casper octopus off the Nazca Ridge, a newly discovered seamont about 900 miles off the coast of Chile. (Schmidt Ocean Institute) (NEW YORK) — Scientists have identified several new marine species in a pristine underwater ecosystem recently discovered in international waters — and they expect to find more. […]

danilovi/Getty Images (NEW YORK) — Scientists have discovered at least four new species of octopus in the deep waters of a 100-square-mile area near Costa Rica, officials from the Schmidt Ocean Institute said on Tuesday. An international team of scientists aboard Schmidt Ocean Institute’s R/V Falkor (too) discovered the new species last year during two […]