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Getty Images – STOCK (WELLFLEET, Mass. ) — Some 125 dolphins are currently stranded on a beach near Wellfleet, Massachusetts, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). The Atlantic white-sided dolphins are stranded at the Great Island at the Herring River — also known as the “Gut” — which is a very difficult […]

Getty Images – STOCK (WELLFLEET, Mass. ) — More than 80 dolphins are currently stranded on a beach near Wellfleet, Massachusetts, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. The Atlantic whitesided dolphins are at the Great Island at the Herring River — also known at the “Gut” — which is a very difficult location […]

WPVI (SEA ISLE CITY, N.J.) — A pod of eight dolphins died after being stranded on two beaches in New Jersey on Tuesday, according to an animal rescue and rehabilitation center. The sea creatures washed up on 50th and 52nd Street beaches, according to Sea Isle City officials, who warned the public not to approach the […]